Words of Praise

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My work with Janna has been illuminating and transformative. She brings her full attention and presence into the room with genuine graciousness and care. Her generosity of spirit creates such a safe container; I felt completely at ease and free to explore the depths while she held the space for me and gently guided me back out. Janna works with an elegant wisdom that feels both playfully curious and deeply trustworthy.”

-L., movement therapist and yoga teacher, NY

“Janna has had an enormous impact on my life—she has been a guide, witness, advocate, inspiration, companion and healer through months of unpredictable transition. Her intuition is magical and her resourcefulness impressive. I didn’t know how somatic work would translate through video calls, but Janna is just as effective when I’m across the country as when I’m in her office. With Janna’s wisdom and unique combination of fierce, loving, gentle, radically present support, I’ve been able to excavate and transform some of my oldest, most limiting wounds. She has helped me root into my most authentic truths, and find the bravery to move through trauma.”

- N., activist and facilitator, CA

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“I have seen Janna create and hold sacred space wherever she goes, whether in a one-on-one session or leading a large group. She has a gift for being fully present and giving her whole heart, mind, and spirit to those who are lucky enough to work with her. It is rare to find someone who is both so perceptive and so loving, who can see and welcome the parts of ourselves we often feel we have to hide. I feel safe being vulnerable with Janna, and I trust myself in her kind and capable hands."

- M., NC

“I started working with Janna after developing a life-altering physical disability. Working with her opened necessary space for me to attend to the strangeness, frustration, and delight of an embodied grieving process. A year out, the work we did continues to help me find integrity and dignity in understanding and communicating my needs. Janna is serious about her craft and her practice is deeply humanizing.”

- S., environmental scientist, MA

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"Janna works with great heart, intuition, skill and enthusiasm to help others find their true voice and present themselves to a larger world with confidence. With patience and kindness, Janna helped me reshape the presentation of my work in a way that allowed me to feel both truly proud of what I had accomplished and ready to bring new services forward. She asks helpful questions, listens with great care and makes marvelous, savvy suggestions. The whole process was fun, satisfying, even joyous. I highly recommend working with her.”

- Jeanne Denney, therapist & founder of School of Unusual Life Learning, Wisconsin

"I absolutely loved Janna Diamond's session - it was exactly what I needed and it was really powerful. It was also the first time I felt really present and connected with other people through Zoom, even in a way that might not have been possible in person. It made me more comfortable keeping my video on and engaging with people throughout the day. I hope she knows what an impact her session had!"

- Workshop Participant


Janna guides sensitive humans to heal, adapt, and evolve in a time of cultural and planetary change.

Evolutionary Somatic Practice supports people to embody transformation in their lives, while making an impact in the world.